Taxes, Fees, & Surcharges Explained

•  Federal Tax is a percentage amount that is charged on local phone rates, any late penalties and fees.

•  State E-911 Fee is a flat charge and is assessed per access line.    This surcharge, levied by your local government, funds the cost of Providing emergency services communications systems in your community.

•  Federal Universal Service Charge (FUSC) changes quarterly, but is a percentage of the Access Charge, Interstate long distance on your phone and all Broadband Charges.

This charge recovers the amount Colton Telephone contributes to the Federal Universal Service

Fund. This fund helps keep local phone rates affordable for all Americans.

•  Oregon Universal Service Fund (OUSF) is a percentage of all phone charges except the Access Charge and the State E-911. It also applies to any Intra-State long distance calls.

This charge recovers the amount Colton Telephone contributes to the Oregon Universal Service Fund.

This fund helps keep basic exchange rates affordable.

•  Service Assistance Charge also known as the Residential Service Protection Fund. This is a flat rate per access line.

This charge funds relay centers that help hearing- and speech- impaired customers to make and receive calls. It also funds programs used to provide telecommunication services to disadvantaged or disabled customers at a reduced rate.

•  Access Charge also known as the Federal Access Charge or Subscriber Line Charge (SLC) . This is a flat rate for residential lines or single business line . If you have multi-business lines then the rate is a higher flat rate.

This charge, allowed by the FCC (Federal Communications Commissions), covers part of the cost for providing access to and maintenance of the local network.

•  Local Service Residential 1 or Business 1 Charge This is a flat rate for residential  access lines and a higher flat rate for business access lines.

This charge covers some of the cost of providing basic dial tone service.