Use to help you create a personalized streaming programming package.
The EZVideo service is no longer offered by COLTONTEL
As a non-profit cooperative, COLTONTEL seeks to provide our members with the highest quality service at the most affordable rates. We don’t like being forced to raise rates or turn off a service, but we have a responsibility to ensure that the services we do offer are for the benefit of the overall members. Video is an expensive service and the technology changes rapidly. COLTONTEL has absorbed as much of these costs as possible to maintain fair rates for our members. Unfortunately, these increasing rates have simply made it cost prohibitive for us to continue offering EZVideo.
EZVideo service has been shut down as of December 30, 2021 and any device that we have given or provided to you as we migrated to the EZVideo service is yours to keep. This means that you will no longer have access to EZVideo content, any DVR recordings, or your related subscription to WatchTVEverywhere.
This is a big change for you and for us. Change can be undesirable and difficult for some, but we are here to help you. Our business is serving you, our members, and we are always happy to do that. There are a wide variety of options for you to consider and we can help to find you the best solution to fit your needs. COLTONTEL offers a variety of robust broadband packages that will ensure your new video experience is positive and we will be providing additional resources on our website as soon as we have them available.
We also want to make you aware that the PEG (Public, Educational and Government Access) channel for Clackamas County is Willamette Falls Studios (WFS). You can visit: to learn more. Also visit: or visit the YouTube link:
We look forward to hearing from you and appreciate the opportunity to continue serving you!